
Cobas 6800

PALMS (Pandemic Applications Laboratory and Microbiology Service

Testing Platforms

As part of UCSD's ongoing response to the current and future pandemics, the PALMS laboratory will be opening in late 2021. This laboratory will specialize in developing tests to respond to current and future pandemics. It will also be involved in research and development for clinical microbiology assays. This laboratory has previously been known as Pride Lab West, but now has an official name. Dr. Pride serves to direct Clinical Microbiology at UCSD, and will also serve as the Director of this laboratory. 


Brucker Maldi Biotyper

1) Wu, T.F., Chen Y.C, Wang W.C., Fang Y.C., Fukuoka S., Pride D.T., and Pak, O.S. 2018. A rapid and low-cost pathogen detection platform by using a molecular agglutination assay. ACS Cent Sci. 4: 1485-1494. PMID 30555900.

2) Ahmad, W., Nguyen N.H., Boland B.S., Dulai P.S., Pride D.T., Bouland D., Sandborn W.J., and Singh S. Comparison of multiplex gastrointestinal pathogen panel and conventional stool testing for evaluation of diarrhea in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Dig. Dis. Sci. 64: 382-390. PMID 30361807.

3) Shin, J.H., and Pride, D.T. 2019. Comparison of three nucleic acid amplification tests and culture for detection of Group B Streptococcus from enrichment broth. J Clin Microbiol. 57: e01958. PMID 30944190.

4) Pride, D.T. 2019. Consider NAATs for detection of GBS in pregnant women. Medical Laboratory Observer. July 2019. MLO-Online.com.

5) Vasudevan, R., Shin J.H., Chopyk J., Peacock W.F., Torriani F.J., Maisel A.S., and Pride D.T. 2020. Aseptic barriers allow a clean contact for contaminated stethoscope diaphragms. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 4(1): 21-30. PMID 32055768.

6) Kuo, P., Realegeno S., and Pride D.T. 2021. Comparison of two nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and two antigen tests for detection of SARS-CoV-2 from upper respiratory specimens. J Clin Virol Plus. 1: 100011. 

7) Realegeno, S., Hash S., Wong C., Liu R., Shepherd J., Schooley R.T., Lipson D., Fung F., Menon S., and Pride D.T. 2021. Molecular Mirror Technology facilitates high throughput, accurate SARS-CoV-2 testing. Microbiology Spectrum.